Friday, July 25, 2014

Sleep Paralysis...The Living Nightmare

Sleep paralysis is one of the most horrifying stages a person can experience during the sleep cycle. I am guaranteed this type of traumatizing  experience if I sleep on my back; which I have not done in years by the way. (In addition to that, sleeping on my back reeks havoc on my sinuses!) 

The majority of the time, I sleep with my head elevated to be sure I don't have a overflow of blood rushing to my head, however, there are nights when it doesn't matter what I do, my body is trapped between a dream world and this one. 

For those of you who don't know what it is, let me explain. Sleep paralysis occurs when your brain is awake and the rest of your body is asleep. The bad thing about this is, you can't move but you are totally conscious of everything around you. You can see around a room. You will hear everything that is happening around you but you won't be able to move or respond. Your body is paralyzed. 

Most of the time, to get out of this stage I will count to three and with all my might, try to wiggle a toe or a finger. If I can move a body part a little bit, I can get out of that stage. But it is extremely hard. 

Its a horrible feeling to want to move your body but can't. It's terrifying and debilitating. But wait it gets worse! 

Most of the time, when I fall into this state, I get strange visitors wandering around me. Creepy huh??  Yeah I know, but I've been dealing with this crap for years. 

Sometimes when I'm in that stage, sinister spirits will crawl on top of me or lay down on the bed beside me whispering things into my ear. 

And what were they whispering?

Obscenities or swearing. Nothing worth repeating in other words. But yeah, dealing with sleep paralysis on its own is horrible, now try adding strange entities to that mix; that makes it even worse. 

Nevertheless, when the entities come, I'll usually just sing a praise and worship song usually that annoys them so much they just leave and by that time I'm usually able to move a toe or something. Also, I've been doing some online research on this subject and some articles suggest this happens when a person's sleep cycle is disturbed. 

I try to keep this in mind and make a habit of sleeping when I'm suppose to, but on the weekends this never happens. I'm always up late. You'd think by now I'd learn my lesson. Go to sleep at a descent time or fight off spirits..LOL

But I can't..I'm a night owl !!

Take Care Peeps!!

the incubus! a surprising number of people report being held down and touched by invisible entities while waking up... it's now called sleep paralysis

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