Saturday, July 5, 2014

High School / Work Place Bullying

Geez.. I have been gone forever...LOL

Anyway, I am blogging today because I really don't feel like setting up a camera and Vlogging; but today I watched a very interesting video on Youtube about high school bullying.

This girl told a very touching story about her experience with bullying in high school and how she felt like she had no one to turn to during the entire ordeal. My heart totally ached for her. 

I mean, most of  us have that story don't we? I know I do. 

First off, I'd like to start by saying that I totally hated high school! It sucked in every shape/form imaginable. The teachers were racist and the kids were terrorist. 

It's almost like you had no real allys. I came out sort of lucky because I still had a handful of friends I could turn to if something major went down. But for the most part, I always knew I was in a war zone. 

I'm a pices so that makes me extra sensitive and more in-tune to my surroundings. Unfortunately, I have the uncanny ability to feel everything and sometimes that's good if you are an artist; but most of the time its a real drag. It's like carrying around a heavy weight all the time. 

But anywho, this girl's post really touched me because I could feel her pain. I could see the faces of all the high school and work place bullies I've encountered over the years and it made me nauseous. 

Literally, I could feel a ball of nastiness oozing up my throat. 

Although this girl was very young and hasn't been in the work force very long either, I really felt the urge to reach out to her and tell her 'hey when you get older, it will be ok.' But as much as I wanted to offer those comforting words I was hesitant.

If I offer advice about anything in life, I want to be honest most of all so I declined to say anything and decided to post my thoughts to my own blog instead.

I have had so many instances of work place bullying it's ridiculous. I don't know where these people come from, but they can make your life a living hell if you don't do something about it. So what should you do?

Well let me back up. When I was in high school, I just dealt with it. I stayed as far from the trouble makers as I could get. I only dealt with difficult teachers when I had to. I did have one really great friend who asked her boyfriend if he would drive me home after school because of the bullies on my bus. *** Thank God for her ***

Once I became older and entered the work force, I kept quitting jobs that were hostile. In doing this, I developed really tough skin and self confidence in myself; that even if I had to 'eat crow' later, I would never compromise my peace of mind, just to earn a dollar in an abusive environment. I literally learned how to hustle. 

I learned how to rub two pennies together and get a dime. Yeah, just like that. I was totally dependent on the universe to open other door that needed to be open. After all, I'm here on this planet for a reason and I do matter. 

I would never encourage anyone to stay in an abusive environment for any reason. If it's school, talk to your principle. If the principle cannot do anything, ask your parents about home school. If that doesn't work, see if they will let you transfer schools. (Roll through all your options)

But never ever give up! No matter what you do! Do not harm yourself ever. Because it will pass !! It's just a part of the chaotic universe we live in. 

Like I said, once you enter into adult hood, it may happen again, but guess what? You're not some young kid and you don't have to take it. Roll out of abusive jobs and fight for your peace!!

A peace of mind is all that matters when the smoke clears. 

Take care peeps !

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