Sunday, August 17, 2014

The Runaways...

"Where are we going?" asked Binky as she sat beside Marnie trying to catch her breath. The pair had been walking all night non stop. Marnie was adamant that they keep moving forward least Mistress Evilstop the head chancellor of the orphanage find them.   
"Anywhere, but here." replied the young girl as she stared off into the horizon...

Cartoon Illustrations by Jeremiah Morelli\
photo courtesy of pinterest.

A Review of Dorothy Dandrige: Book and Documentary

Hmm...what can I say about this beautiful lady who left us too soon? She was an amazing, courageous lady with uncanny beauty that made my eyes narrow when when I saw her. 

Now, notice I am saying she was courageous. Well others in her circle would beg to differ. I watched a documentary on her on youtube and a close associate of hers; referred to her as a masochist.

Now that's pretty harsh. But hey, this is what the person said. 
Then I watched another interview and in this interview; the person said Dorothy had low self esteem and etc...

Well all those things could be true. I didn't know her personally. But in her defense, I would like to say that we all have our flaws. And if Dorothy had low self esteem; that only meant she was human. 

To a certain degree, I have low self esteem. Yes, that's right I said it. But so does EVERYBODY! Name one person on this planet who is walking around and has it all together. I'm over here brain storming and I can't think of one. 

Let's just face it guys, this life is hard. We slip through the portals of existence not having a full understanding of where we came from or how we got here. Yes, we are all told we are products of our mothers and fathers but still... Where did we exist before conception? Was I a beam of light, just waiting for the next person to have sex so I could come to earth? 

Who knows...we can only speculate. But in defense of Dorothy I wanted to emphasize that I believe she did the best she could with the life she was given and no one can judge her. I believe she wanted to be stronger than she was, she wanted to be happier; but she had inner demons that would not let up! 

And sometimes they don't. Those creepy beings follow you around this globe during the course of your life span. So what do you do? How long can any of us remain in prolonged states of agony? At some point we would all look for a way to give our minds a break.

As an artist, I think she was amazing. I admire her courage to go after what she wanted in life although the odds were stacked against her. It takes a lot of courage to keep pursuing the things you want to do, when you see others running the race a lot more swifter than you. 

For those of you who have not read her autobiography, I would encourage you to check it out. It's called 'Everything and Nothing: The Dorothy Dandridge Tragedy' by Earl Conrad.

She goes into a lot of detail about her personal life and speaks very candidly about the people she met. She goes into great detail about broken relationships and its so vivid, you will feel as if you are in the relationship walking along side her. Some things she said made me laugh while others made me cry.

What did I learn about this lady? Well, I learned that none of us are exempt from the human experience and life eventually happens to us all. 

Great read! Great documentary! I highly recommend it !

Later Gators!

Dorothy Dandridge (1922 - 1965) was an American actress and popular singer. She was the first African-American to be nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actress with her leading role in Carmen Jones. She was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Actress - Motion Picture Musical or Comedy, for her performance in Porgy and Bess, 1959.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

The Ugly Duckling...

Maria laid across her bed. Twirling her dark curls around her fingers. She was heated. Boiling with anger. Keith had definitely become too big for his britches. The more she vented, the more her temper flared. "When I first met him; he couldn't buy a date! So tell me when did he become prince charming or Casanova? Does he really think he's that hot? He's not that cool!"
Jaime laughed. "I know! That's what's so funny about it all. Didn't James encourage you to talk to him anyway?"
"Yes, he did! I only did it to be nice! I can't freaking believe how this scum bag has betrayed me!"
"Maria the best thing to do right now is to forget about him. Just forget about everything. He's a loser. He won't get very far in life. He will reap what he's sown."
Maria grabbed her temples. If only life were that simple. If only the people who offended us really did receive their just rewards. But in the real world she knew that wasn't true. Sowing and reaping were concepts. It never happened in reality. The only way she could get back at Keith was if she took action.
Jaime sat on the edge of her bed. Maria's silence was making her nervous. " still there?"
"Yeah, I'm here." Her voice was cold; icy almost.
Jaime took a deep breath. "I hope you're not going to do what I think you're gonna do... I mean he's totally not worth it."
Maria pressed the phone tightly against her ear; her vision blurry from crying. She was done being nice. It had gotten her nowhere. Keith was a loser! A nothing! A nobody! Until he met her. He was just an ugly duckling. How could he betray her? 
For some strange reason, the nicer she was; the more she was abused. But now she was done being nice. She'd grown weary in doing well. It was time for him to feel her wrath and pay for his transgressions...

'The Ugly Duckling' - illustrator A.H. Watson <> A childhood favorite! (children's art, classics, fairytales, nursery rhymes)
photo courtesy of pinterest

Mean Girls...

The first time I saw this film, I laughed my head off. It is such a light-hearted comedy of what life is like for a lot of teenage girls in high school. It was extremely funny and is my number 1 chick flick. 

Nevertheless, I am also reminded of my own high school years. It was horrible. But I must admit, some girls had it worst than me. After awhile, bullying and harassment got so bad; I didn't even want to go to school. But hey, I had no choice. I had to go to school. It was the law. 

Well, this weekend I'm watching a life time movie about a lady who plotted to kill her daughter's cheer leading school mate. Watching the girls cheer made me think of something I saw when I was in high school. 

Now don't get me wrong, nobody's parents tried to kill a student, but I remember watching another student being bullied who had just made cheer-leading try outs.

One day we had a pep rally. So when the new recruits ran out on the field; other students critiqued who should and shouldn't have been on the squad.

 Now there was this one girl in particular who a lot of other students didn't think was worthy to be on the team. For the sake of privacy, let's just call her Amanda.

Now I must admit, Amanda was not an athletic girl. And I was pretty shocked that she wanted to be a cheerleader. I guess she never struck me as the type. But any who, she made the cut.

During one of their routines; I saw about three of the high school bullies shining their mirrors in her face. We were outside and of course the sun was out. I nudged one of my friends on the arm when I saw it. "Can you freaking believe them?" I asked. My friend just shook her head in detestation. 

One of the mean girls, lets just call her Shelly; I don't get the feeling she really wanted to participate with her friends because she had her mirror turned down so it wouldn't reflect the sun. But she had to go along with the rest of the group if she wanted to remain in the clique. 

She probably felt bad because had her evil side-kicks not been around; I think she was friendly to Amanda otherwise. 

It was so disgusting to watch. I hate bullies! 

            On Wednesdays We Wear Pink
"Mean Girls" Valentine's Day Cards For The Fetchest Losers In Your Heart

Friday, August 8, 2014

A Walk with the Dragon...

"Pipa are you dressed?"
"Yes mom I'm coming." Pipa grabbed her cloak and tied it tightly around her neck. She was late. The sun was setting and she hadn't taken Mrs. Foxcoat her medicine. Rubbing lip gloss on her lips she checked her self once more in the mirror.
"Pipa!" her mom shouted.
"OK. OK I'm coming!" Slamming the door to her room she tried to signal to her mom she was on the way. Rounding the corner down the hall way, she whisked into the kitchen.
"Thank you baby." Her mother added as she wiped her hands on her apron. 
"Now give this medicine to Mrs. Foxcoat and come right back. It's late and I don't want you staying there long.
Pipa nodded and grabbed the basket. 
Placing her hand at the back of her head, her mother kissed her on the forehead.
Pipa sighed frustratedly and grimaced. "Mom I gotta go before the sun goes down."
"OK. OK go ahead!"
Readjusting her cloak, she slid her hands down the length of her garb to remove any wrinkles. With luck, she hoped she run into Randy Newhall like last time. He was so freaking cute! And recently single!

Closing the door behind her, she exhaled as her heart raced with anticipation. The sky was illuminated with a purple like glow. The moon had caught her. But it was OK. She'd still be home before it got terribly late.


Walking at a steady pace, she pulled her cloak over her head shielding her ears from the night air. Mrs. Foxcoat had been sick for a long time, but she'd always sworn by her mom's famous cough syrup. Pipa received the benefits of the syrup too. When she was younger, anytime she started to get sick, her mom always went to the forest to gather herbs to make her syrup. 

As the fresh scent of lilac crawled up her nose, Pipa hummed leisurely. Now it was about here that I ran into Randy last time. She stopped for a moment and looked around. Not a soul stirred save the occasional call of a Hoot owl. 



Pushing the cloak off her head, her eyes darted from left to right. Reaching into her pockets she pulled out a pack of crackers. Well since I'm here I may as well feed the ducks. Besides I think they're happy when they see me because I always give them food.

little red riding hood.

Diverting from the path, Pipa made a swift turn at the old weeping willow's tree to Miller's pond. Stepping over vines and thickets she pushed drooping tree limbs from her face until she reached the clearing. A gathering of ducks swam leisurely in the pond; flapping their feathery wings occasionally as their tiny legs propelled them through liquid bliss. With a cluck of her tongue, Pipa sprinkled crumbled crackers in the water. Picking up the scent of food, all the ducks raced to the water's edge. Discarding the wrapper in her cloak. Pipa pulled the hood over her head and returned to her path. 

When she arrived at Mrs. Foxcoat's house, all the lights were on. She bit her lip nervously. I hope I'm not terribly late. She knocked on the door. 
"Who is it?" a voice called.
"It's me Pipa."
The door swung open. "Hey Pipa!" Melody's voice was warm and friendly. "Come on in!"
Pipa stepped inside, pushing her cloak off her head. "I hope I'm not terribly late. This is for your mom." She handed her the basket.
"Thanks. Mom!" Melody yelled as she casually glanced over her shoulder. "Your drugs are here!"
Mrs. Foxcoat stepped around the corner. Her eyes lit up when she saw Pipa and the basket. "Hey baby, thank you for bringing that by." She grabbed the basket from Melody. "And stopped calling my medication drugs!"
"Mom, news flash. They are drugs!" Melody rolled her eyes. 
Mrs. Foxcoat diverted her gaze to Pipa. "Pipa how is your mom doing? Come in sit down."
Pipa stumbled. What the...? She grabbed Mrs. Foxcoat to break her fall. A tiny action figure darted across the floor. 
"Charlie!" Mrs. Foxcoat called. "Come get this mess off the floor!"
Melody sprinted across the room and grabbed the toy as Charlie stood in the doorway. 
"If you don't keep your crap out of the way. This is the last time you will see GI Johnny alive again!" She held the tiny toy in front of the fire place.
"Mom!" Charlie called as he screamed in terror. His stomach rippled with knots. "Give it here. Stop playing!" He ran towards his sister. Jumping up and down he tried to retrieve the toy from her grasp. Melody smiled wickedly dangling the action figure high above his head.
"Give it back you witch!" He was getting angry now. His face was turning red.
"Oh my god. Did you just call me a witch?" she laughed devilishly. "Well since you think I'm a witch, you better watch out least I put a spell on you and you meet the same fate as the Fosters!"
" Melody's threatening me! Make her stop!"
Mrs. Foxcoat intervened. "Melody stop tormenting your brother. When you're old and gray, you'll be begging him to chauffeur you to your doctor's appointments."
Melody's brow raised. "Oh no I won't because I'm going to be rich. I'm going to marry a prince and leave this god awful place."
"Well good luck with that!" Mrs. Foxcoat smirked. 

Pipa's brows raised. The Foxcoats were a lively bunch. That's why she didn't mind coming over. She found their dysfunction quite entertaining. She crossed her legs. "So Melody what's going on with you? Written any exciting stories lately?"
Melody's eyes lit up. "Yes, as a matter of fact I have!" She shoved the action figure in Charlie's face and grabbed her notebook.
Charlie ran off and didn't look back.
Folding her legs under her bottom, she slipped on her glasses; opening her tablet. "I was inspired by the Foster's tragedy this weekend. Does that sound bad? God, forgive me if it does."
Pipa readjusted in her seat. "What happened to them?"
Melody's eyes blared. "Pipa, Oh my god! I can't believe you haven't heard anything!"
"Umm... no I've been in the house all day and usually busy with chores."
"Dang, Pipa. You're only seventeen in a half and you're already a modern day Cinderella."
"Yeah, tell me about it." Pipa rolled her eyes. "So what did I miss? What happened to them?"
Melody pushed her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. "Their entire farm was destroyed. Massacred!"
"What...what do you mean?"
"I mean, someone or something burned their barns and massacred their animals!"
"Geez!" Pipa put her hand over her mouth. "That's horrible!"
"Yeah. It's the creepiest ish ever !"
Pipa thought for a moment. "But I don't understand. The Fosters are nice people who would do such a thing?"
"Well it's more like what did such a thing."
Pipa crossed her legs. "And what do you mean by that?"
Melody closed her notebook and took off her glasses. "Pip let's be frank here. You know I always said that there was something about Ellie Foster that was not right. I mean..I'm sorry. Something about that girl...although I could never put my finger on it; has never been right."
"I think she's behind all this?"
"You mean you think she desecrated her own family's property and killed all their revenue?" A hint of sarcasm resounded in Pipa's voice.
" not like that. I think she was playing with fire and got burned."
"Melody, I don't understand..."
"Pip we all know that Ellie practiced dark magic and I think this time the omen fell on her. I think some monstrosity that shes been playing with in the past has turned on her."
Pipa leaned back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest. "You mean like a demon?"
Pipa's eyes narrowed and she let out a nervous sigh. "Well thanks for telling me this now that the sun has set and I have to walk home by myself!"
"Oh for heavens sake Pip, the things not coming for you. You didn't summon it. only comes for the one who calls it."
Mrs. Foxcoat stepped from around the corner. "Oh Melody stop telling her stories like that. You're always trying to scare people. Pipa don't believe anything she says. It's total nonsense. The Foster's barn caught on fire because Joe always smokes in the barn. And the cattle was massacred by some wild coyote or starving wolf."

Pipa nodded slowly and breathed a sigh of relief. Mrs. Foxcoat eased her nerves a little bit.
Melody glared at her mother through squinted lids. "Mom... really? So you're ease dropping on me now? Is that what we've come to?"
Mrs. Foxcoat looked at her daughter and casually turned her head. Melody rolled her eyes and returned her attention to her guest. "Pip, I'm telling ya..what I'm saying to you is true. Stay away from Ellie. She's bad news."
Pipa shifted nervously in her seat. It was time to go. She was certain it was full blown night time now and she had to walk home alone after hearing that kind of story. She grabbed her cloak and slipped it around her shoulders.
"Well...I'll certainly keep that in mind." Standing, she tied her garb around her neck.
Melody stood to escort her guest to the door. She could tell Pipa was nervous. "Look Pip. I didn't tell you that story to make you upset. I'm telling you this as an fyi. Be careful. There's a lot of strange stuff going on out here and I don't want you to get hurt."
Pipa nodded. "Point taken. See you at school." Pipa grabbed the door handle and turned it. 
"Hey, Pip wait!" Melody grabbed her by the arm. "Stay right here." She ran to her room and when she returned she had a metal object in her hand. "Here take this."
Pipa looked at. "What is it?"
"It's sort of like a talisman. Keep it with you. It will keep you safe."
Pipa smiled. "Thanks" she answered and then slipped out the door.


Against the moonlight, the trees looked like towering giants forming a canopy over her head. Pipa's legs moved like lightening as she quickly placed one foot in front of the order. So much for a romantic evening with Randy. 

Now her nerves were on edge. She was afraid that at any moment some being was going to jump out of the woods and snatch her. Normally she wasn't afraid to walk alone. As a matter of fact, she'd done it hundreds of times before. But this time was different. She was a little afraid. When she was at school she never paid Ellie any attention, but Melody was leery of her. What if what Melody said was true? What if Ellie had been playing with the devil and now he'd come to claim his prize? 

A slow chill crept up her back as her neck hairs stood on end. Well no matter what Ellie did. What did that have to do with her? She didn't play with dark magic, so why should she be afraid?

A soft crackle resounded in the woods. Pipa slowed her pace and looked around. She heard the call of a Hoot owl in the distance. Her eyes narrowed as she peered through the darkness of the trees. It looked like she saw something moving but she wasn't sure. A ball of nastiness crept up her throat as her belly twisted in knots. 

"Is someone there?"

The shadow stopped moving. She listened again but didn't hear anything else except the occasional howl of the wind. Pulling her cloak closer around her neck, she resumed walking. She was tempted to run, but she wasn't exactly wearing runners shoes. Her shoes had a slight heel to them. After all, she thought she was going to have a romantic run in with Randy tonight. She had no intention of fighting off ghouls or goblins. 

Swallowing hard she resumed walking. This time a louder crackle rustled in the darkness. She stopped in her tracks. Her breathing grew hitchy. Now she knew someone was there, but who? Suddenly an eerie feeling crept over her, like someone was watching her from the bushes. She could feel its eyes crawling down her back.

Some one's behind you. Her consciousness said. Turn around and you'll see it! Grabbing the side of her cloak, she pushed it back and slowly peered over her shoulder and there it was. Someone was standing on the trail  some distance behind her. 

"Aghh!" Pipa screamed as she took off running. Her hood blew off her head as she ran for her life! Her cape danced behind her back like a great bird as her feet beat against the soil like quick lightening. "Oh my God, its him, its the demon and he's coming for me!" Glancing over her shoulder she could see the shadowy figure running behind her. It's legs moved at the speed of light and there was no way she was going to out run it. She was wearing heels. 

The night air pummeled down her throat, causing her lungs to swell. Her eyes started to water as her legs burned with fatigue. The shadowy trees flickered against the moonlight like dancing giants. Playing with her irises, the tiny hints of light and shadow made her dizzy. She blinked and the next thing she knew she found herself suspended in the air with huge claws clasped tightly around her waist. 

Oh no! God help me! Please help me! She blacked out. 


Pipa awoke to a pair of yellowish eyes staring down at her. "Ma'am, ma'am are you OK? I'm not going to hurt you. I only wanted to ask you a question."
Pipa grabbed her head. A dull ache burned behind her neck. The ground was cold and hard. When she fell, she hit her head pretty hard.
"Ma'am, ma'am are you OK? Where do you live? I will help you get home. Can you tell me where you live?"
Pipa opened her eyes again. The dull ache in her head was subsiding and now she was sliding back to consciousness. The stranger softly stroked the side of her face. When her eyes clearly focused, she gasped and shrieked away from him with her palms in the air.

"It's OK ma'am. I'm not going to hurt you but you took off running so fast, I didn't have time to explain."

Pipa leaned back on bruised hands. With the moonlight slightly illuminating his face. She could see it was a man. And a gorgeous young man at that! Nervousness enveloped her. And she stuttered slightly when she spoke to him. "Oh yes...yes I'm OK. I think I'll live. Now she felt really stupid. She was running like the devil himself was after her. 

Setanta Portrait by on @deviantART

"Well can you stand? Or would you like to sit here for a minute? I can walk you home. I promise I won't hurt you. Scouts honor!" He raised his palms in the air innocently. 

Pipa let out a soft chuckle. " its Ok. No sense in you going out of your way. I'm almost home now. She wiped the dirt from her hands and grimaced. Her palms bled slightly.
"Oh are you hurt? Let me see" said the stranger.
Pipa opened her palms. A long wrinkle swept across her forehead.
"Oh I'm so sorry this is all my fault. Had I not chased you, you wouldn't have ran and fell. But I was trying to call you from way back to let you know not to be alarmed. I'm sure you didn't hear me though."
Pipa smiled and wiped her brow with the back of her palms. "No...sorry I didn't."
"It's Ok."
After the young girl collected her wits, she stood and straightened out her clothes. She could see better now. The stranger was gorgeous. He had shoulder length dirty blonde hair and his eyes were as clear as crystals. When he looked at her, it seemed as if he were peering straight through her; into her soul even. Nervously, she cleared her throat, trying not to ogle him so much.
"Pardon my rudeness, but what's your name?"
"Pipa" said the girl.
"Pipa? Why that's a lovely name. My name is Draconius. I'm new in town."
Pipa smiled cordially. "Pleased to meet you Draconius." Wow the gods must be smiling down on me tonight. This guy is a total babe! " say you're new in town. Do you have any relatives here?"
"Yes, I do. But we're kind of estranged. We're not very close at all. However, do to some other  unfortunate events that has taken place in my life, I have been forced to stay with them for a spell."
"Oh." The young girl nodded understandingly. "And whose your kin folk out here?"
"The Fosters. Do you know them?"
"Yes. I know them; quite well actually."
The stranger smiled and leisurely stared up at the sky. "Well, I promise I won't chase you anymore. I don't mind walking with you the rest of the way. After you." he motioned with his hands for Pipa to lead the way.
Pipa smiled and nodded.
"Oh and sorry to here about what happened to their farm. Please let them know that my family is willing to help them any way we can."
The boy didn't say anything. Yet stared blankly ahead.

The pair walked on until they reached the path to Pipa's house.
"Well, here we are. This is my stop. Thanks for walking me home."
"Oh no problem. Anytime. It looks like I'll be around here for awhile; so I'm sure I'll see you again."
"Likewise" added the girl. Pulling her cloak tighter about her shoulders. "Well...goodnight." 
Swiftly turning on her heels, Pipa made her way down the path to her house. The lights were on when she arrived. She was sure her mom was worried sick. Slowly she pushed the door open. Martha was sitting by the fire place knitting. When she heard Pipa she glanced up casually. "Where have you been? It took you longer than normal. I was about to send a search party out after you."
"Oh. I got caught up with Melody. Her mom baked cookies and they invited me to stay a little while longer to eat. Sorry it took me so long. I totally lost track of time."
"It's OK. So how is Lois? Did you give her the syrup?"
"Yeah. I did and she was very appreciative."
Martha nodded. 
"Well. I'm heading off to bed. I'm really tired. See you in the morning."
"OK. Goodnight baby."
"Night mom." Pipa hurriedly dashed to her room and closed the door behind her. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as thoughts of Draconius danced in her head. Oh my god that guy was a total knock out. And here I was wasting all my time on Randy. What a joke. Draconius She smiled to herself and slipped off her cloak. Walking to her window she stared outside; lifting her gaze to the stars she closed her eyes.

 OMG..I think I'm in love...

All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior written consent of the author, except brief quotes used for reviews.
Photos courtesy of pinterest.

Time Lost...

"You could cry a river of tears but I swear to you; time is not coming back. Those years are gone forever and you will never get them back."
Nina turned her head facing the wall. Tears streamed down her face. "But what about what Harper said. He assured me I would get it back. He said things would go back to normal and I would be vindicated for all my suffering."
Lucy leaned her head against the wall. She didn't know what else to say. She didn't know how she could get it through Nina's head that sometimes, life never returns to how it used to be. And in those times; you take life's circumstances like a grain of salt. Toss it over your shoulder and never look back. 
"Nina, none of us can change the past. None of us can erase what happened. But the one thing we can all do, is live for today. And make the best of today. Storms come for all of us but we must be strong enough to live for another day. Your situation was bad and no one should have to endure what you did. But locking yourself in your room; trying to block out the rest of the world; won't solve your problems. It will only make them worse."
"But you don't understand. I'm tired. My strength is dried up. I have nothing else to live for. Nothing else to hope for. All my options have been exhausted. All the years are the same. How long should I go on like this? Why should I go on like this? Give me one good reason as to why I should fight back." Nina's voice was shaky now. She was trying to hold in all her sobs but now she had to let them go.
Lucy moved closer. "Because life is not in sympathy with you. Life will choke the h-ll out you. Stomp on you! Beat your face into the mud! And dare you to keep standing. In stead of handing you, your dreams; it'll had you more sorrows, more disasters. But do you know what you have to do? Laugh in it's face and declare to all that's listening you will not die. You will fight to the end. You will not lay down your will. You will laugh in the face of adversity and swing with all you've got."
"And if I do all these things and the dream still doesn't come?"
"That's no lost to you. After all, the dream doesn't own you. The part of the story you missed is, You are the dream! And has been since the day you were born..."

i like how the girl in this photo is not looking at the camera as tho she is to sad or ashamed to do so.


I am drowning. In a sea of thickets. My legs are bound. My hands are tied. Everywhere I step; there are thorns. Sliding around my ankles, holding me down; pinning me down. The more I struggle to break free, each bush tightens it's grasp around my legs. It's so tight its tearing into my skin. I am bleeding. The water is turning red. 

Branches are sticking in my legs. It hurts! It's ripping through my calf's. The pain is agonizing; unrelenting. How did I get into this mess? What did I do to deserve this? 

All I remember is I was walking along one day and poof, I fell into a ditch. A ditch without warning. It happened so fast, I didn't see it coming. Like quick sand, it immediately started to swallow me up. Wasting no time. Not pausing for a second.

I've screamed for help; yet help has not arrived.

Does anybody care? Can anybody help me? Why won't the universe turn me a loose? Leave me alone! I want to be free. I have things to do. You are holding me back. My years are adding up and still you fight with me. Aren't you tired yet? Haven't I won the battle with you?  

Or did you win and I didn't get the memo?

battle at cliffside hill by brookeshaden, via Flickr
photo courtesy pinterest

Monday, August 4, 2014

The Good Son...

My brother is a monster! Plain and simple. 
Evil incarnate.
Walking, talking, breathing evil. 
But does anybody know? I mean have they figured him out yet?
I wonder...
All he does is sit on his computer all day instant messaging his friends. 
Pausing here and there to walk to the frig to make a sandwhich.
I guess moving your fingers at the speed of light is hard work. It really works up quite an appetite.

I hope his bread has mold on it!!

I am so thankful that I have great friends. They're my loyal and trusty stand-ins. They fill the space he left empty. They fill the gap of a real brother

Today I'm really, really sick. I swear to god, I saw him laughing; literally laughing. Like I was wearing a funny clown suit with a big old nose.
How evil? How cruel? How deranged?
Who does that?
What's funny about another human being sick?

But wait, there's more!

I was abused too. He knows about it. He's friends with my abuser.
Oh dear God, why? Why did you give me this kind of brother?
Oh he's evil and cruel and sneaky. His eyes are so shifty. At first I never said anything. I always remained silent, but then after a while I couldn't ignore it.
He looks at me funny; under-eyed; strange.
Yeah...I see it! The dark flame that rages behind his irises. Did he think I didn't know?
Give me a break!!
I do know! And if he thought I was deceived, now he knows I'm not...

photo courtesy of pinterest


Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Levitation

"Rica can we just go now? Geez. I told you I can't stay out long. I have to be home by..."
"Will you just shut the f^&k up? I told you we're not leaving until I have a little fun with the weirdos!"

Susan stood back in the corner. She didn't mean for any of this to happen. She believed Rica when she said they were coming by to hang out. Had she known Rica was going to be such a b**ch, she would have stayed home. Yet, she sat silently as she always had when the heat was on.

"Rica, it's pretty obvious you don't like us. So why don't you just leave? We have chores to do." Lettie's eyes flamed with anger.

"Chores?" Rica laughed. "This raggedy house doesn't look like its been cleaned in centuries. Plus it stinks in here. Or is that just you?" She laughed again casually glancing over her shoulder.

Susan was getting annoyed. This was all her fault. Amanda her biology partner and one of the sisters of the group; told her this was not a good idea. She told her she thought Rica was only using her to get to her sisters. Rica never liked any of them anyway. She always said they were weird. So why all of a sudden had her interest changed? If she didn't like any of the girls last year, she certainly didn't like them this year. "Rica, let's go! Now!"

Rica rolled her eyes. "Shut up! I'll leave when I'm good and ready! The evening is still young. And I wan't to know what you skanks are really up to, living in this big old house." She placed a white handkercheif over her nose as she looked about staring at the ceiling. "What the h#ll is up with the chipped up paint on the ceiling?" She laughed again. "You guys really need to move out of this dump before the whole thing caves in on you."

Lettie placed her hands on her hips. Her cheeks flushed red. "Rica I'm warning you! Leave now or you'll be sorry!"

Rica's brows twisted. Her face scowled. "B**tch please! I know you aren't threatening me. Do you know I have the power to make your life a living hell when you come back to school?"

Lettie raised her voice. "You already do! And the sad thing about it is. We keep to our selves! We never bother you! We never bother anybody! But no; that's not good! It's not good enough. Now you're at my house!' Lettie's face started to glisten as tiny sweat beads grazed her forehead. Her chest rose and fell in a rhythmic cadence.

Rica took a step back. "First of all, don't yell at me. Second of all, calm the h*ll down and go to the bathroom and wash that greasy hair of yours. I came here to offer you and your tired sisters some beauty tips. But I see there's no help for losers. You're just disgusting. You all should just kill yourselves!" She laughed again.

Suddenly Lettie grew quiet. She stopped moving. She stopped talking. She dropped her chin and her long brown mane covered her face. 

Susan's eyes widened. "Lettie are you OK?" Lettie didn't answer. 

Rica sucked her teeth and gently pushed Lettie against the shoulder. Lettie's head flew back. Nothing but the whites of her eyes showed. "I told you to leave, but you wouldn't listen. Now I'm going to show you who we really are." Her voice was deep like a man. 

Rica jumped back. "What the f**k?"

Lettie slid backwards across the floor. Her legs were stuck together; her body as limp as a dishrag. Her other siblings followed suit. With drooping shoulders they all slid across the floor like rag dolls; as if some strange entity controlled them. Scaling the walls like spiders, they all chanted in unison. "Now we will show you! Let us show you..."
Pina Bausch, Blaubart, 1977 performance still (Bluebeard – While Listening To A Taped Recording Of Bela Bartok´s “Duke Bluebeard´s Castle)
Copyright (c) 2014 by Tammie Taylor
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced
in any form.


The Guardian...

She hates me! But why? I didn't do anything wrong? I'm tired of her fighting me. Beating me mercilessly, relentlessly! Today I'm playing by my self. I'm going to the forest. I want to be alone. The trees and the birds are my friends. There I will be safe. I have my books, I'm going to read until I get tired. Maybe I'll take a nap.

I found a tree to sit under. Nestling my back against the trunk. I opened a book and started to read. A flickering sound stirred like birds flapping its wings. My eyes narrowed. I saw something in the woods but I'm not sure what. I laid my book down. I moved in for a closer look. 

The hairs on the back of my neck started to stand. Oh my God! What's that? Who's that? It's a girl and she has wings! I gasped. Covering my mouth with my hand. She looked up when she saw me. She raised her hand. "Don't come any closer. Stay right there."

OMG. She speaks! I nodded my head. My mouth was agape. My eyes blared. OK!

"I'm your guardian angel. I come here to pray for you."

My heart leaped. I wanted to cry. Wow! So it's true. It's really, really true! You do exist! You do pray for me? The corners of my mouth turned up in a bow. I was relieved. Now I have somebody. And I don't have to worry about being a lone.

She nodded. "Remember." she warned "Stay there and watch me. You can't touch me as I must ascend to the Father."

OK. I said. I'll stay back. I can watch you from here.

She closed her eyes and bowed her head with her hands clasped firmly together. Her mouth moved silently. But I don't know what she said. I sat down at a tree as my legs grew tired. Leaning my head against its trunk. I watched her for a long time until my lids grew heavy. 

When I awoke. She was gone. Looking around anxiously. I swallowed hard and rubbed my eyes. Did I just see what I thought I saw? I'm sure I did. Wiping dried leaves from my pants I stood. I was tempted to walk to the clearing at which she stood but I resisted the urge. Maybe that spot was sacred. I didn't want to taint it or anything so I kept my distance. 

Walking back to my original spot. I picked up my books and headed back to the house. I didn't tell anybody what happened that day. It was my little secret and my secret alone. Whenever I felt alone or scared, I would always go back to that clearing in the woods.

Forest Angel, The Ozarks, Missouri / Had to have been something there long ago and all is left is this angel. What? The year? What?


Saturday, August 2, 2014

Panic Attack...

I awoke in a panic! I sat up. My heart was beating so fast, I thought I was having a heart attack. A heart attack? No wait! That can't be! I'm too young to have a heart attack. I laid my hand across my chest. I could feel my heart vibrating against my rib cage. 

Pushing the covers off my legs, I sat on the side of the bed. But wait. Something else is happening. I feel very weird; strange. 


I think I'm getting ready to die. Or have I crossed over already? I moved my arm. Something is pulling my spirit out of my body. 


My body isn't working anymore. My soul won't stay inside. It's seeping out! I can tell. I look around the room, everything looks strange. It looks like its in a different dimension than me. But everything is just like I left it. 

I walked to the bathroom. Try to do something normal my mind said. Then you will be able to tell if you are dying or not. I peed. (Sorry if that's too much info, but its true)!! LOL

Ok so that feels normal. Is my soul still trying to escape my body. Um..maybe now not as much. But I still feel weird and off. I still feel like I'm in another dimension. My beating heart has eased a little bit. I'm really scared. I'm going to ask my dad to pray for me. 

I walked to his room, lightly touching him on the shoulder. "What?" he asked.
Dad I feel weird will you pray for me? I feel like my soul is leaving my body.
"Go back to your room and ask God to lift the spirit that's tormenting you!"

I walked back to my room with my head hung low. Will God hear me if I ask him? I thought my dad's prayers were much stronger than mine. Turning the corner to my room I got on my knees and kneeled to pray.

'Dear God, 
Please make this strange entity leave me alone. I am afraid!

Was that good enough? Did God hear me. Will he send my guardian angels to watch over me? I hope he does..

Sharing the same moon in the sky...I did this when I was a little girl. This is how I talked to God..sitting in my window. He heard everything.


The Monster... Based on a True Story

Robbie wiped his sleep deprived eyes and looked around. All was quiet in the house, save his younger brother Jimmy who just could not stop coughing. Pushing the covers off his legs, Robbie swung his feet to the floor and walked to Jimmy's room. Jimmy was fast asleep with his head hanging off the pillow. Robbie grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed his head up. 

"If he can keep his head elevated he'll stop coughing so much and I can get some sleep." he thought. Rounding the corner back to his room he looked down the long black hallway. The Castleberry's house really gave him the creeps but hey he and Jimmy had no where else to go and the Castleberry's were kind enough to let him and his little brother stay with them. 

Pulling the covers up to his neck, he nestled his face in his pillow trying to get some shut eye. A strange grumble echoed at the window. He didn't move. These old houses were weird anyway; full of creaks and squeaks; besides he was tired. He continued to lay there forcing his thoughts to settle. The grumble resounded again. This time it sounded like two distinct growls that were having a conversation with each other; but the language was foreign. 

Robbie opened his eyes and stared at the wall, careful not to move. He wanted to be sure he was hearing what he thought he was hearing. The grumbling noise between the two entities whispered again. Robbie lifted his head up from his pillow. Now he was really getting scared. Was there a monster outside of his window??

Horror | Moviepilot: New Stories for Upcoming Movies

The following short story is based on actual events names and location have been changed to protect the parties involved.Copyright (c) 2014 by Tammie Taylor
All rights reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced
in any form.

Rainy (The Shadowy Figure)

The moon peeped from behind a cloud casting a silvery trail on the surface of the water. Through parted lids, Tara gazed at the shimmering path. In the distance, a dark silhouetted figure walked on the water. A light breeze stirred and the moon recoiled behind the cloud again. Tara wiped her eyes. Everything still looked blurry. The ocean waves stirred against the rock coupled with the soft jingle of jewelry. The breeze stirred again. The moon reappeared bringing with it the same silvery glow that sparkled against the surface of the water.

The shadowy figure was closer now...

Excerpt from Rainy: Chapter 1

Friday, August 1, 2014

Bram Stoker's Dracula...

What can I say about this film? 
I absolutely loved it!! I remember when it first came out. I sat in the theater staring at the huge screen. My eyes filled with tears.


Because I related to Dracula. I related to his anger, his rage and his call to the dark side. He was angry and he was angry with God because he believed God betrayed him. I wept for him then and later as I grew older; I wept for myself... 

Bram Stokers Dracula (1992)

What a horrible feeling it is; to believe that you have been forsaken by God. Left, abandoned, deserted. Where do you go when you feel this way? Who can you turn to?

I find it difficult to explain why I felt bad for Dracula then. It was almost as if I were watching a prophecy of what was yet to come in my own life.

Nevertheless, the film was great. Unlike my experience with 'Interview with the Vampire' where I sat in the theater and ogled Brad Pitt for an hour and a half; this story really sucked me in with no eye candy.

Now that is not to say that Gary Oldman is unattractive, but I do want to point out the fact that I saw him for who he was, minus the fluff. I felt his pain, I experienced his agony. Dracula had a real story to tell and it was one that I related to.

I loved Winona as Mina. I've always like her as an actress anyway. She was perfect for this part. Her innocence, her curiosity and her passion for her dark prince. It was amazing. They had crazy chemistry. They were very enjoyable to watch. 

bram stoker's dracula movie

Now this is the part that I really loved...


Renfield was crazy! Insane! Brilliant! Observative! My favorite quote from him is...

Dr Jack Seward: Mr Renfield how are you feeling tonight?
Renfield: Far better than you my love sick doctor.

Guys, when Renfield said that I hollered. 

Ok so on to the next quote. This one is darker. But the dialogue grabbed me. 

Dracula: Do you think you can destroy me with your idols? I who served the cross. I who commanded nations hundreds of years before you were born?
Van Helsing: Your armies were defeated. You tortured and impaled thousands of people.
Dracula: I was betrayed. Look what your God has done to me!
Van Helsing: No! Your war with God is over. You must pay for your crimes!

Isn't he hideous?? But hey he blames God for reducing him to such a creature; living a tormented existence. Drifting on and on in eternal darkness unable to exist in the light.

Like I said. This film was profound and just made me think overall. ~~

The Girl and the Deer...

He doesn't have any friends and she doesn't have any friends; 
and so they sit together~

A Day In The Life Of Little Red Riding Hood...

This is how I feel on most days...

Like I'm always walking with the wolf. This huge inescapable wolf. So I've learned to walk with him and not run. If I ran it really wouldn't matter. He'd eventually catch up with me anyway. 

After all, he's a wolf. He has four legs and I only have two. 

The funny thing about the wolf is at least I'm not deceived. I know who he is. He use to dress like a sheep but then he grew tired and decided to be himself. 

Although I've discovered who he is, he still talks to me. Why?
I don't believe anything he says. Yet he still talks. Like everything is OK? LOL

That's ridiculous. Sometimes he talks and I just let him have the floor. Sometimes when I'm silent, he'll go away for a while. But then when I look up again, I see him leisurely strolling through the woods on his way back to me...

D@@n !! I'm so tired of him. I wish he'd disappear...