Monday, July 21, 2014

Review: Interview With the Vampire...

This review is long over due. But hey better late than never. But it has always been at the fore front of my brain. I just never actually got around to ever doing anything about it. But anyway here goes. 

The first time I saw the previews for 'Interview With the Vampire' I was mesmerized. And no, I'm not just saying that. I'm totally telling the truth. Well why? 

Because Brad Pitt was the most unusually gorgeous human being I had ever seen. And he was a vampire!! A beautiful Vampire. 

Who knew the two could mix? I didn't. I didn't know the rules allowed that. After all, most of the vampires I'd seen looked like the ones from Salem's Lot.  And that stuff was so scary, it would keep you awake at night. 

However, Interview With the Vampire, aided in reshaping my view of the dark or darkness. Because if creatures like Louis was in the dark, well leave me in shadows. LOL !!

My next door neighbor saw the movie before I did. It's not that I wasn't going to, I just hadn't gotten around to it. Now this is the strange thing. When she saw it she said 'You are going to like it.' 

I smiled and replied "really?"
"Yes, really" she said. 

Well she was right! And how did she know this? I mean I had never told her I loved vampires or Brad Pitt or even Tom Cruise. As a matter of fact, the only one I'd seen before in the entire movie was Tom. I didn't know any of the other cast. 

The first time I saw the movie. I can't say I was paying a lot of attention to what the story was about because I was so hypnotized by Brad, I couldn't think of much else. Well after watching the movie years later, I had a vhs tape of Anne Rice giving a brief synopsis of the film. 

And it was at that time that I finally decided to pay attention to the story line. And when I did, this is what I saw. The first thing to jump out at me was Louis' sadness. He had a heavy heart most of the time and I could totally relate to that.

Louis felt bad about killing people. Lestat didn't. As far as Lestat was concerned the more the merrier. But Louis was more beautiful because he had a heart. And that was one of the things Armand (Antonio Banderas) admired about him.

Well, Armand wasn't the only one admiring Louis' heart because I did too. Which brings me to the part of the film that stood out the most. Armand told Louis he was beautiful because he reflected the vampires broken heart and that the other vampires in the theatre were unable to reflect anything. (I'm paraphrasing. Can't remember the exact wording) 

But the words he spoke really grabbed my attention. They pierced me. Because I totally relate to that. I feel the same way most days. I feel like there is no one around me that reflects anything sincere loving or kind. And its down right frustrating!

If someone talks to me, most of the time I feel like its out of courtesy but not sincerity. It's like if some catastrophe erupts in some remote part of the universe, no one is interested except me. I mean sure some people will just go along for the sake of the conversation but for the most part, its like they're numb.

Maybe its just me. Maybe I'm just sensitive because I'm a pices. I'm not sure. But it sure would be nice to be around other people who are like me. 

OK so let me stop whining and complaining as Lestat would say. 

On to my next point. There is another scene in the film when Louis is made a vampire in the cemetery and he looks at the statue of an angel and the angel opens her eyes!! 

(watch this she will open her eyes in a few seconds)

This was another mesmerizing moment! When I saw her open her eyes a million goose bumps ran up my spine but not out of fear as one might think; but awe. I wanted her to speak!!

After all, she represented heaven and heaven's thoughts about Louis and Lestat! 

But unfortunately, all she did was look at them and not say a word. Just closed her eyes again like it wasn't her place to speak. But the look on her face was disappointment. 

(Well at least that's the way it looked to me)

Any who, that's my take on Interview With the Vampire. I can't remember if I've given a review about this movie before or not. But on this review I decided to add visuals. I love pictures and special effects. 

xoxo ~~~

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