Saturday, July 19, 2014

Robert Pattison Hates Twilight ???

Guys...this is a painful one !!!

This is every author's nightmare.

Can you imagine waiting your entire life to see your written work make it to the big screen and then something like this happen? First of all I'm shocked. I never knew Robert was displeased with Twilight. In addition to that, people have really torn into Stephanie Meyers. Actually, I feel bad for her. 

Side note (Stephen King does not like her work) OUCHHH !! That hurts !! 

It's easy to be critical but writing is hard, for some people. And once you overcome the technicalities of publishing, if you are an introvert, you are going to have a tough time putting yourself out there. I mean lets be honest. The internet is helpful but it's also a brutal place. 

If my novel ever makes it to the big screen and I have the opportunity to finally see my imagined realm materialized; if the cast is interviewed and I find that they thought my story sucked; I'd be crushed !! 

Have a great one people!

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