Sunday, June 21, 2015

Kiss Immortal Part 4

Amie stumbled to her house. Her mind was in a daze. Her body still trembling from the aftermath of the orgasm. "What the hell just happened back there?" She place her hands on her temple. Her lips hung loosely apart as she tried to make sense of it all. 

But her belly was healed. No pain, no discomfort as she walked along the the winding trail. 

With dew covered grass sliding under her feet, she quickly scurried across the freshly manicured lawn. Her window was still open just as she'd left it. White lace curtains gently swayed in the breeze as the soft echo of chirping birds hummed in the tree tops. 

Tossing her clothes through the window first, Amie followed suit. Swinging one leg inside the window, she scampered inside. "Man this was much easier last night." she hissed.

Her room was just as she'd left it. Her door; still locked. All the lights off: even her night light that she'd never sleep without. Letting out a huge sigh she stepped in front of  her floor length mirror and lifted her gown. Her belly was flat as a board, normal, healthy, pain-free!

Collasping to her knees, she curled up in a bow. Staring blankly at the wall, she cradled her belly. Is this real? Am I really healed? This must be a dream. If I go to sleep, when I awake, will I find myself as I was before? 

Suddenly fear griped her heart as her dark consciousness began to speak. "You imagined everything. The mind can be a terrible companion. You want to be healed so bad, you'll grab at any straw hoping it will be the answer to the question you so desperately seek. But in time you will find, it was all just a dream. And you will return to your previous state."

Tears welled up in Amie's eyes; her cheeks the color of crimson. A tight knot crawled up her throat as her heart raced with panic. "What if I did imagine it all? What if none of this is real? What will I do if I return to how I was? I don't think I'd make it. I don't see myself living like that again ever!"

With her hand pressed firmly over her mouth, she began to sob. Her chest tighted with every breath she took. Her face twisted in a scowl. Her belly contracted from all the anxiety she felt while she shook all over. 

And then she looked at her drawer. The second one; and she remembered what she did last summer. Was it a moment of insanity? Desperation or both. But she was ready to leave this world, depart from this life; and enter into a new realm free of pain; void of suffering. 

She closed her eyes; tightly. 

Another voice in her head spoke. "Silly goose! Don't even think about it! Look at how many therapy sessions you had to go to; to escape those impulsive thoughts. Do you ever want to go back to that life again? Get a hold of yourself! Stop being a wimp! Face your fears! Slay ALL your dragons!" 

Wiping the tears from her eyes she looked away from the drawer. Theres no sense in looking backwards. Besides, it was when she was at her lowest, she started to have the strange dreams. And it was these dreams that ultimately lead her to Gareth. "Yes, Gareth! My dark prince, my beloved angel! Who saved me in the midst of my suffering. Who had compassion for me when all others failed me. Yes, he is my salvation! My redemption! I don't have to walk in darkness or fear or pain anymore and its all because of him! It's all because of the gift he gave me!"

And just then, as if some strange revelation had suddenly come to her, Amie rose to her feet; returning to the mirror. Lifting the white gown over her head, she dropped it to the floor and stared at her belly. Gently she stroked her stomach.

A miracle had ocurred! There was no denying that! In spite of all her fears and anxietes, she was not in pain! Her abdomen was no longer distended. Her insides were not sore. She was normal! She was healed! 

Just then a great calm over took her like some invisible blanket draped about her shoulders. Now she could put her fears to rest. The day she'd prayed for had finally arrived. And she had no reason to be afraid.

After taking a long warm bath, Amie got dressed and peeped outside her room. "Funny?" she thought to herself. "Where is everybody?" She couldn't wait to tell her mom the good news. 

Slowly she descended the stairs sliding her hand along the side of  the rail until she reached the bottom floor. "Mom?" she shouted inquisitively as she peeped in the kitchen. 

All was silent. 

Her mom had left a note on the kitchen counter. 

"Hey babe. I'm working today. Won't be back until its late. Don't wait up. I made you a pot of soup if you get hungry. Love you. Call me if you need me."

Amie's heart sank a little. "Fuck!" 

She really wanted to tell her mom the good news. She was dying to tell her that she was healed and could live a normal life again. And as for that pot of soup; well she could toss it! She didn't need it anymore. She could eat whatever she wanted to now; or at least she hoped. Nevertheless, it was time to test the uncharted waters.

Swallowing hard she opened the refrigerator. Her mom didn't eat much. She was always on some diet or something. And because of Amie's stomach issues, her food selection was non existent. 

She always had canned spinach, a baked potatoe and a tiny piece of meat for dinner. Breakfast usually consisted of eggs, bacon and toast. Or sometimes she stop at the local fast food resteraunt and have pancakes and bacon. 

Other than that, that was it! She couldn't eat anything else least she'd be sick all night. And she hated that. She'd rather starve herself all day than deal with the excrutiating pain she'd be in later.

During those days: for a long time; sleep was her only friend. It was the only time she felt peace. It was the only time the "evil belly monster" would leave her alone.  And sometimes getting to sleep was hard, especially if it was one of those days when she had a lot on her mind; winding down at the end of the night was impossible. Unfortunately, because her abdomen was so messed up; any type of sleeping aid, or mood relaxer was off limits. 

She had to deal with everything on her own, the best way she knew how. 

After staring at the unattractive food selection in the refrigerator for a moment; Amie closed the door. Leaning back on the door, she let out a anxious sigh. She was hungry, but still very much afraid of food. She wanted to eat. She wanted to go back to who she was before the sickness but now that the opportunity had arrived; she still had reservations. 

To test the waters, she wanted to start off with a bang! Pepperoni pizza from Rigallies! She closed her eyes and licked her lips as her belly began to growl with anticipation. She hadn't had pizza in years. Or anything dairy for that matter. 

"I wonder can I eat that now? Will I be OK?"

Her thoughts reasoned on and on. "There is only one way to truely tell if I'm healed and that is to eat stuff I couldn't before. That way I'll really know!"

She placed her hand over her belly; rubbing it gently. Still no pain; no discomfort; save the occassional growl that escaped its hollow cavity from lack of substinance. 

Swiftly, Amie turned on her heels and headed up stairs. She'd decided to take a leap of faith. She was going to order pizza from Rigallies and see if she was truely OK.

Swallowing hard, she picked up her phone and called in. The patron took her order and told her they would be around to deliver to her residence in 30 minutes. "OK thanks!" she added anxiously as she ended the call. Sitting her phone down on the night stand; she slid back on her bed. 

Collasping on her back she stared at the ceiling. That was the first time; she laid flat on her back in years. Due to her illness, that was another thing she couldn't do: lay down. She always had to sleep elevated in order to keep acid from crawling up her throat; then she would have major problems. She already had a bad stomach; she didn't want to add dysphagia to the list. 

Placing her hand over stomach; she stroked it back and forth; with narrowed eyes. "Gareth. Where are you Gareth? I can't beleive this is happening. I can't beleive I've been set free!"

30 mintues later; the roar of a car engine echoed in the driveway. Amie ran down the steps. Swinging the door open abruptly; a huge smile graced her lips. A young boy with his hat turned backwards extended the pizza box towards her. His brows were raised and he looked slightly unsure of himself.

"Ugh delivery for Amie Applegate?" 

"Yes, that's me!" Amie answered as her eyes widened with anticipation. 

"Enjoy!" responded the boy as he shoved the box in her hand and walked back to his car. 

Closing the door behind her, Amie hurried off to the kitchen. The box was still warm as the fresh scent of melted cheese crept up her nostrils. Her stomach growled again from hunger. "Um... I haven't smelled anything like this in a long time!"

Most of the time, if she wasn't too sick and had to run errands in town, she'd walk quickly by all the food shops. Because eating was absolute torture, she wouldn't even allow herself to smell baking bread. She'd hold her breath if she had to, just to keep her thoughts preoccupied and not on her eating disabilities. 

Flipping the lid open, she eyed the decadent goodness. Her heart was beating fast as her palms grew sweaty. This was the moment of the truth. This would be the true testament of her healing or lack thereof. 

Grabbing a slice of pizza, she held it in her hands for a minute and closed her eyes. "God please. Let me be healed" she mumbled under her breath and then she took a bite. 

Tossing the warm goodness around her palate, her jaws spasmed a little. This was the first time in years she'd had pizza. And now she was eating it. This forbidden fruit: that before Gareth; would have left her doubled over in excruciating pain begging for death. 

Sitting down on a nearby stool, she swallowed it. "And there it goes!" her thoughts raved. "This is it! It's time to put up or shut up!"

She laid the remaining slice down and stared blankly at it for a moment. The fear and anxiety she thought was gone; reared its ugly head. She closed her eyes. 

Tiny sweat beads gathered on her forehead and her legs shook a little. Now she was afraid. Although she didn't feel any physical pain just yet; she was worried all the same. It was the anticipation of pain that frightened her the most. 

Glancing over her shoulder, she stared at the clock. Usually, within about 10 minutes, she'd know if something she'd eaten was safe or not. 

Amie was quite tiny. Not only did she have a fast metabolism, she'd also lost a lot of weight by having a low calorie diet. With her sickness, fatty foods were a complete 'no no'. It was certainly a recipe for disater if she ate any of that stuff. So unfortunately, she ended up dropping more pounds than she'd wanted.

After awhile: that seemed like an eternity, she opended her eyes again. 15 minutes had gone by and the only discomfort she felt was an occasional growl. 

Nevertheless, there was no pain!

She poked her belly again and let out a long sigh. Grabbing the pizza from her plate she took another bite. Chewed it and then waited. 

No pain!

Her heart lifted a bit. It felt as if a huge invisible weight was lifting from her shoulders. She took another bite of pizza; this one, larger than the one before; chewed it and waited. 

No pain!

Now her heart was back to racing! But not from fear! Not from pain! But from freedom! Total freedom!

The same freedom she had when she was young; when she ate "everything" her grandmother cooked. (And also smothered 'everything in hot sauce!)

Staring at the box, she grabbed more slices. And then another, and then another; until finally, she eaten about half the box. Licking her lips, she wiped her mouth with a napkin. Her finger tips shined slightly with pizza oil, as the robust flavor of oregano and garlic lingered on her palate. 

She sighed again; breathing in through her nose and out her mouth. Laying her hand on her belly, she sat still; extremely still and waited. Glancing up at the clock she timed herself again; then lowered her eyes. 

Nothing happened! No pain! No cramps! No bloating! No discomfort!

She stood and walked over to the refrigerator. There was a bottle of soda sitting on the rack. She grabbed the soda and a glass from the cabinet. Pouring the soda in a glass, she watched the bubbles rise to the top and then fizzle back down again. 

She turned the glass to her lips and swallowed. The soda burned her palate slightly just as she'd remembered but quickly transformed into the sugary goodness she'd treasured as a child.

She burped. Then sat the glass down on the table. The great calm returned to her. Wrapping its invisible arms around her; it squeezed her gently. Now she was a beleiver! Now she could really sing the praises of her deliverance!

And she owed it all to Gareth!

photo courtesy pinterest

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Kiss Immortal Part 3

When Amie awoke, it was morning. Sun rays stretched its luminous fingers through the trees as chirping birds announced a new day.

Grabbing her temples she looked about in a daze. She wiped her eyes and blinked a couple of times. 

Her dew covered skin was dry now as her crumbled up clothing lay sprawled at her feet. Reaching for her night gown, she slipped it over her head and stumbled to her feet. 

Opting to forgo her panties as they were covered in leaves; she balled them in her hand and then grabbed her scarf. 

Her breathing hitched as she made a shocking discovery. She was not in pain!

Immediately she dropped her garments and poked at her belly. There was nothing; no discomfort; not even a twinch.

Sweat beads formed at her temples as her legs grew shakey all over. Could this be true? Could this really be happening? She lifted her night gown; tucking it rapidly underneath her breast. 

She pressed her belly again. There was zero discomfort. Her abdomen was no longer bloated or distended; and she had no sharp pains shooting through it.

Tears welled in her eyes as her wobbly knees gave way. Gareth had kept his promise, he'd healed her!

Amie sobbed and sobbed as wails of joy escaped her lips. The battle was over and she had won! No more more suffering!

"Thank you Gareth. Where ever you are; thank you" she whispered. 

Standing to her feet, she grabbed her clothing and started to head home. 

How was she going to explain this to everybody? What would her parents say? What would her friends say? She didn't know and she didn't care. She'd make up a lie if she had to. All she knew was once she was sick and now she was well and that was all that mattered.

Smiling to herself, she made her way through the winding trail. Adrenaline surged through her veins like liquid dynamite. For the first time in years, she was excited about life and hopeful of her future. 

Of all the decisions she'd made; in this one; she was most proud. Sometimes you just gotta stop being afraid of everything. Sometimes you just have to throw caution to the wind and run with it. Seek out the undiscovered; explore the possibilities. 

Besides, she'd given everyone else a chance. She'd tried every medication there was; but nothing had worked. A friend of hers had even dragged her to one of those faith healing revivals one night. 

She chuckled again.

That service lasted darn near 2 hours and after all of that fiasco, she still managed to leave as sick as she was when she arrived. She did everything the minister said. She'd raised her hands; lifted her voice; hopped around on one leg; rolled around on the floor. Her face was so oily from anointing oil, she just knew she'd be a pizza face in a couple of days. But to her dismay; that didn't work. 

Everything had failed her. Doctors had failed her. And more than that, God had failed her. But then one day, it all changed. The strange dreams she'd been having introduced her to Gareth. At first she thought she was crazy. She just knew for sure that she was loosing her mind. But then after awhile; it all made since. 

Her dreams were an omen; it was Gareth's way of preparing her for what was to come. 

Exhaling with relief, she lifted her gaze to the sky. Suddenly she stopped in her tracks. A slow lump crept up her throat. 

'Am I a vampire now? Am I suppose to be in the sun?'

She looked at her palms. Sun rays reflected against it, but she was unharmed; not burned. She wasn't running around hollering and screaming like the creatures of the night in the movies. No, she was fine. She was standing in the presence of the sun and was perfectly OK.

She grabbed her neck. Two raised lumps grazed her finger tips. She frowned. 'Hmph...well that doesn't hurt either. Great!'  

Dismissing any further worries, she continued home. A crackling sound echoed through the trees. She turned around in a startle; her heartbeat elevated a bit.

Redwood Forest, California

"Feeling better I see? Were you on your way home?" Gareth stepped from behind a tree.

Amie's eyes widened with elation. "Gareth!" she yelled as she took of running towards him. With outstretched arms, she fell against his chest.

"Thank you Gareth! Thank you for saving me! Thank you for keeping your promise!" She collapsed in his arms. More tears streamed down her face as she buried her brow in the nape of his neck. 

Gareth cradled her head in the palms of his hands. Gently he stroked her dark mane as if she were some Persian cat nuzzling against him. 

"Shh" he whispered. "I'm glad you feel better."

This time when Amie embraced him, his body felt warm and inviting. It wasn't as cold as it felt before. Was that because she'd changed?

After a few minutes, she finally loosened her grip. Now she was embarrassed again. She stepped back and wiped her face. "I'm sorry Gareth. You must think I'm a total basket case." She sniffed again with down cast eyes. 

" I don't. I don't think that at all. You had been in pain for many years. You have a right to be excited." His lips turned up in a bow. "Hey, I'm excited for you!"

Amie smiled and found the courage to look at him. Gareth was absolutely breathtaking. Even more so now that she was no longer plagued with pain. When you're suffering; many things dull. Life dulls. It's hard to see anything or appreciate the beauty in anything when you've been in a pain plateau for so long.

Suddenly her heart started to race and palms dampened. 

"So may I see it?" Gareth asked.

Amie's eyes widened. "See what?"

"Your belly. Can I take a look at it?"

Amie paused for a moment as if she were caught up in some strange trail of thought. She rubbed her temples; dismissing a fleeting day dream. 

"Oh yeah sure." She lifted her gown. "It's much better now. It doesn't stick out anymore."

She paused. 'Oh fuck!' She covered her mouth with her hands. "I didn't put my underwear back on..." Her voice trailed off. 

Gareth didn't pay her comment any attention and had already kneeled before her. With one hand he held up her gown and with the other; examined her belly.  

Amie's anxieties rose as her breathing grew more rapid. 'Oh shit. He's looking at me naked!' Hunger burned  between her legs as her sex pulsed with eagerness.

'Fuck, what is wrong with you pervert? This man just healed you and now you wanna...?' Her mind raged on.

Gareth's hand was warm against her belly as he gently caressed it. Pausing here and there he'd apply pressure and then release it again. It was as if he were trying to see if his work was completed. 

Amie's eyes started to water as she lifted her gaze to the sky. She was begginng to perspire and she knew eventually Gareth would notice the dew-like gathering on her skin and wonder if she was OK. A wet trail of secretion had already started to gather at her sex and if he stayed there any longer, he see it ooze down her leg. And what would he think of her if that happened. Oh god she'd just die. 

More sweat lined her temples.

'Concentrate...concentrate!' her mind raged on. 'Get your thoughts out of the gutter. He's your physician. Your healer for Pete's sake. He's here to help you. Get a grip!'

She blinked again; slowly this time focusing her attention to a tiny bird perched on a branch. With a piece of straw in his mouth; his tiny wings fluttered from one branch to another. 

And then as if she were drifting somewhere between reality and a dream. A warm wave of heat; reverberated through her body. Her lips hung loosley apart. A soft pant slid off her tongue. Another wet sensation trailed across her belly.

Was she dreaming? She couldn't be dreaming. Her eyes were open. She was staring at the bird. The bird that was building a nest. 

She blinked slowly and licked her lips. Before she knew it, her hands were resting against silkend strands. She craddled Gareth's head in her hands. With vision blurred by eroticism she looked down. Gareth was kissing her; his face pressed firmly to her belly. 

She flinched. Her mouth watered all the more. Wetness gathered in the corners. She grabbed it with her tongue.  Her sex was jumping; pulsing, vibrating with desire.  Running his hands up and down the length of her hips he caressed her; grabbed her, stroked her. 

Closing her eyes again, she flung her head back. Her knees started to buckle. She wanted him to keep going.

'Go lower...kiss me lower' her mind raged.

Gareth's embrace tightened and this time he grabbed her buttocks. Pulling her cheeks, squeezing her bottom. Sliding his tongue across the span of her belly. Basking in his handy work. Worshiping that which he had restored. 

Whimpers slid across Amie's lips as the scorching kisses of the vampire, reeled her into pleasures unknown. 

And suddenly her legs gave way. She couldn't stand anymore. Her extremeties shook like jelly. Her body ached for an orgasm. She trembled all over.

And then Gareth laid her down. On a soft bed of plush grass as her legs fell apart, exposing her sex with the wind carrying the soft scent of pheromones up his nose. Gareth licked his lips and began kissing her thighs. Pushing his tongue higher and higher until he reached the pool of secretion that dripped from her lips. 

He licked her. Up and down like a painter with a brush. His mouth siezing her clit pulling it, tugging it. Urging her body to release her to exctasy. 

Amie moaned with desire. Flexing her hips; arching her back. She grabbed her dark deliverer by his hair. "Aggh!' she screamed. As Gareth released her orgasm. Creating a soul-tie that would forever bind them and then he vanished.

Amie's eyes flew open. The rocking of her pelvis slowed as she stared down at herself. There was nothing there. 

'Gareth?' She whispered. 

But Gareth was gone. Vanished like some phantom in the night. And she was left there alone naked in the woods.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Kiss Immortal Part 2

She looked at him again; and after raising up on her elbows. She extended her hand to his. "I accept, your gift. Make me immortal!"
The visitor smiled enchantingly. His pearl colored teeth, matched the hue of his skin. And after staring deep into her eyes, he grabbed her by the hand; escorting her out of bed. 

Raising her bedroom window, they slipped outside. The night air was chilly against her skin as her bare feet glided across the dew covered porch. 

A listless moon hung motionless in the sky as tiny specks of stars twinkled above their crowns. 


Amie's heart raced with anticipation. A pain free life seemed non existent up until this point. 

He lead her deep into the woods, with his icy fingers gently intertwined with hers. He didn't speak anymore until they reached a clearing and then he released her.

Amie's breath hitched as she looked down at her hand. The visitor was gone! Disappeared ! Vanished into thin air as if she'd traveled alone. 

Adrenaline raced through her veins like fervent heat. Fear and panic gripped her heart. She wanted to call out to him but she didn't; she couldn't. She was too afraid to speak. Her eyes began to  fill with tears. Her brain was second guessing her decision to trust her strange visitor.

"Gareth?" she whispered under her breath as her eyes darted about anxiously. 

Not a soul answered. All was silent in the dark of the woods as if they all had been temporarily muted. 

She turned around slowly, with her hand pressed across her belly. The scarf was slipping off again. She grimaced. "Fuck! I hate this thing!" Pulling on its corners, she tightened it again. That was the burden of her sickness. She was tired of having that thing cling to her everywhere she went. Nevertheless, she couldn't function without it.

Just then, an icy hand rested on her shoulder. "No let it go. You don't need it anymore." 

Amie spun around. It was Gareth. He'd reappeared again. 

"Gareth, where did you go? I was afraid."

"No need to be afraid. You've prayed for deliverance and now it has come. Are you ready?" His eyes flashed like two flickering candles as the moonlight danced against his irises. His russet colored locks gently swayed across his shoulders as a genial breeze slipped its airy fingers through his tresses. 

Amie swallowed hard and then answered him. "I'm ready."

Gareth stepped closer. His face so close to hers, she thought he'd lean down to kiss her; but he didn't. Tugging gently at the scarf around her waist; he loosened its grip and let it tumble to the ground. Immediately Amie grabbed her belly; crouching forward. Her brow wrinkled in pain as a long grimace stretched across her brow. 

Pain seized her belly. The source of her sorrows rang loud in her ears as her body ached for deliverance from the beast that plagued her. 

Gareth lifted her chin and stared deeply into her eyes. "Look at me!" he whispered as Amie's face knotted with torment.

"No pain!" he answered. "No pain!"

Amie stared at him through tear stained eyes. She was tired now. Tired of hurting all the time. Tired of watching others bask in the sunlight while she sat on the side lines. Now it was her turn. It was her turn to live. It was her turn to be happy; to exchange her sorrows for joy no matter what the cost.

Gareth slid behind her with his hand gently grazing her waist. Placing his hand over the top of hers, he removed it. Amie's breath hitched. "No please, it hurts." Tears streamed down her face as her chest rose and fell in a rhythmic cadence.

Gareth lowered his face closer to her ear. "Don't be afraid. The pain will pass!"

The nearness of him was intoxicating. 

His phantasmal allure was stimulating yet frightening all at the same time. Sliding his hand up the length of her thigh, he wound his porcelain stained hands into her night gown and slid it up over her head.

Amie closed her eyes as her entire body grew frigid. 

A soft gasp escaped her orifices as she bit her bottom lip; holding in any future sobs. The night gown gathered at her feet as she glanced to the ground. She closed her eyes tightly. Now she was embarrassed. Suffocating in her own shame; loathing her nakedness; while cursing the distended abdomen that bulged below her breast. 

Gareth drew her closer and rested his hand across her belly. "Shh" he whispered as his mouth rested against the folds of her ear. "Don't be afraid. The suffering is over!"

And then suddenly and without warning. He slipped  his fingers underneath the delicate fabric of her panties sliding them down below her hips. 

Amie pressed her hand over the top of her mouth. She wanted to scream. She wanted to cry. Now she was really ashamed. 'Please don't look at me' her mind raged. 'I hate my body! Please don't look at it!'

Gareth pulled her panties all the way down to her feet and when he reached her ankles, she stepped out of them. 

With all of her garments gathered at her soles; her anxieites grew all the more. What was he going to do now? What was next?

Sliding his arms around her waist. He pulled her close. Amie shook nervously until his iron clad embrace caused the discomfort in her belly to subside. And then she exhaled; leaning her head back; resting in his embrace; she stared at the stars. 

For some reason she wasn't cold anymore nor was she afraid. Everything was better, when the pain was silenced. 
With his arm still pressed firmly across her torso, Gareth softly rested his face against hers as he slowly ran his hand up and down the length of her hips. 

Softly, slowly, gently he stroked her urging a deeper yearning to awaken inside her.

"Are you ready for the gift? Or have you changed your mind?" he whispered.

"I'm ready!" answered the girl.

Amie closed her eyes and swallowed hard. As the embrace of the dark stranger increased. And then suddenly he lowered his head resting his mouth against the side of her neck and bit into her. 

"Aghh!" Amie screamed as her eyes flew open in a panic. The kiss of the stranger was piercing and unyielding as his sharp wet fangs dug into the flesh of her skin. She gasped again.


Gareth wrapped his arms around her chest. Drawing her closer urging her nearer; his teeth fastened to the side of her neck like a viper. 

Amie's knees grew weak, as the burning sensation raced through her veins. She wanted to fall to the ground as her extremities jiggled like rubber. Reaching back; her hand grazed the top of his head. 

And then, all of a sudden he was gone!

Amie screamed as her limp body came crashing to the ground. Leaves gathered about her as she stared blankly at the sky. The world started to spin as the universe took on a strange ambience.

Her vision grew dim and then she black out...

Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Tower...(Trapped)

The Chain was tight around her ankle; and the more she struggled, the more tired she grew. With her hands pressed firmly against the concrete floor she hung her head. She was hot all over. Sweat beads swept across her brow as her dark mane hung loosely about her head.
The Vestler had finally won. He’d been chasing her kind for years. Normally she wouldn’t fly outside the boundaries of Kapa, but the mysterious boy had beguiled. And now her heart ached and filled with regret.
"I should have never trusted him" she murmured under her breath. Tears welled in her eyes as the thought of never seeing her family or homeland again, drove her to the brink of insanity.
Starring at her feabled shadow dancing in the moonlight, she finally laid down, pressing her wet face against the floors of her cell. 

photo courtesy pinterest

The Cottage...

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Moon Magic...

The night was magical and the moon hoovered over the waters, illuminating softly; radiating with a flourescent glow.

photo courtesy pinterest

Spells, Spells, and more Spells !!!

photo courtesy pinterest

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Fan Fic Laguna TOMAS

Thunder rumbled in the distance as Toi peeped outside her curtain. A flash of pink lightening streaked across the sky. She jumped slightly; a little startled, but not terribly afraid. Her umbrella sea sawed from side to side as mini gust of wind pushed it back and forth like an imaginary bully. She refused to go outside and get it. 

"It's only water. It'll be ok."

Turning swiftly, she picked up her cell phone on the night stand. 

"Darn no messages!" 

Well what did she expect? She hadn't seen nor spoke to Tomas in over 2 weeks. "Wow that's a record!" she thought to herself as she returned to the cozy pallet she'd made for herself on the floor. 
With a large box of pizza, chocolates and her favorite pop, she knew she'd survive. 

Nevertheless, with all her decadent pleasures laid out before her, her heart was still heavy. She missed Tomas; desperately. In fact, she cared about him more than she knew. Before they broke up, she thought she'd be OK. But now, since it had actually happened; a dull ache stirred in her chest. He really was a nice guy. 

Sweet, kind and innocent, but definitely too young. He was only 25 and she was 33. He needed to be around people his own age and stop panning behind her all the time.

Shoving a slice of pizza in her mouth, she blinked slowly and starred at the flickering flame dancing in the hearth. Her room was warm and cozy. At first she was going to go walking for the day but all of a sudden the forecast had changed. A storm had broken out further north and caused a cold front to sweep through the city. 

It was alright though. She'd rather stay home anyway.  

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The wind howled and moaned like an frustrated phantom as the soft roar of thunder echoed in the distance. Toi washed down the remains of pizza with a can of soda then closed the box. Her lids were growing heavy. 

Why did she always get sleepy every time she ate? Geez...she'd actually planned on watching a movie but now it didn't look like she'd make it.

With her head propped against a fluffy pillow, she stared into the flickering flame of the fire as the soft drizzle of rain bounced against her windows. She was reminded of Tomas. Her heart started to race as she recounted her days of happiness with him. But why did his age bother her so much?

For some reason she just couldn't shake the feeling. Although men dated younger women all the time and for the most part, preferred them; she just felt really weird doing it. If she were able to escape to some remote space in time; things would be different.

She'd rather be away from naysayers and judging eyes and the snide remarks of her friends. What did they know anyway? How many of them had as much passion and excitement in their relationship as she had with Tomas? 

'Ha...none', she sighed as a sluggish sigh escaped her lips and then she closed her eyes. 

The soft chime of her doorbell echoed across the room. She opened her eyes for a minute. Did she hear something? Or was she dreaming? Shifting listlessly she stretched her stiff limbs and tucked her arm underneath her head. 

The bell rang again.

This time Toi opened her eyes and raised her head in a startle. 'Now, who in the heck was ringing her bell at this time a day? Plus it was storming like crazy!

falling rain
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Sliding her feet in her slippers she went to the door. Raising up on her tip toes she squinted one eye and looked out the peep hole. 

Oh sh*t ! It was Tomas!

Her lips hung loosely apart as her heart started to race. Nervous energy pulsed through her veins like electric current. She hadn't seen him in weeks. What was he doing here? Why was he breaking the rules? They had an agreement. Why wasn't he sticking to his part?

She opened the door. 


"Hey, I found your umbrella in the driveway." He glanced to the side. The umbrella was wet from the rain with beaded water pellets running down its sides.

"Oh, thanks! I was just going to leave it out there til morning. But thanks for bringing it up. Come in...come in."

Tomas eyes lit up like fire flies as his wet mane stuck to his forehead. 

"Looks like you're the one who really needed the umbrella. What are you doing here?" 

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Nervously, Tomas slid his damp hands down the side of his jeans. He really didn't know how to answer her. He was unsure of what to say. When he awoke that morning, he hadn't planned to come to her house, he just sort of ended up there by accident. 

Before he could answer Toi had already grabbed him by the arm. "Geez, you're soaking wet. Let's get you out of those clothes."

Because he was used to staying with her, he'd already had a change of clothes in her closet. Walking to the bathroom, he took off his wet items with only his boxers remaining. Toi walked in and handed him a towel and a robe. 

"Thanks" he smiled as he grabbed the towel and wiped residual water from his hair and body. After he was dry, he slipped his arms inside the plush the housecoat.

Toi nodded and swiftly turned on her heels. She was trying to divert her eyes from looking at him half naked. Walking briskly back to the tv room. She slipped off her shoes and climbed back on her pallet. 

Tomas stood for a while. 

"Come on" she motioned with her hands. "You can sit down. No sense in standing there."

Tomas sat down beside her as she slid an extra pillow behind his back. Adjusting to a more comfortable position, he leaned back and folded one leg over top the other. 

"You hungry? I have pizza if you want some."

His lips turned up at the corners. "Yeah... sure thanks."

has been told this is the best pizza ever
photo courtesy pinterest

Tomas opened the box and grabbed a slice of pizza. Shoving it into his mouth, the corners of his cheeks bulged as he bit into the delectable goodness. 

Toi got up and went to the kitchen. She brought back an extra glass and poured him soda. 

"Thanks" Tomas added as he paused for a minute from chewing.

Toi leaned back and drew her knees to her chest. The proximity of him was killing her. Why the heck had he come over? " what brings you out in this weather?" Her stomach churned nervously as she waited for an answer. 

Tomas looked up at her. "I missed you." His eyes dropped back down as he shoved food in his mouth. "I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out to eat. But I guess you've already started."

Toi stretched out her legs; leaning her back against the pillows. "Tomas... in this weather? Man... there is no way I'm going out there."

Tomas returned his gaze to her. "Why not? It's never stopped us before."

Toi swallowed hard as butterflies floated in her belly. Tomas was right. They'd never let rain, snow or any other unexpected surprise of nature curve their plans. But that was then and this is now. Now things had changed. They were not together. They were no longer an item. And maybe Tomas had forgotten that fact, but she had not.

Grabbing another slice of pizza. Tomas closed his eyes and chewed rigorously. 

"Geez, Tomas. You act like you haven't eaten in days" she snickered.

"No...I haven't...hadn't had much of an appetite lately."

A troubled frown graced Toi's brow. "Tomas!" She sat upright and rested her hand on his leg. "You gotta matter what you still gotta eat."

Tomas' rigorous chewing slowed. He stared blankly for a moment then he spoke. "I want us to get back together. I want things to be the way they were." He shoved another piece of pizza in his mouth and continued to eat. 

Toi closed her eyes and ran her fingers through her disheveled mane. She was sad too, but she dealt with it. Tomas was just going to have to be like her. Eventually he'd come around. But stopping by her house was not going to make the break up any better. He was breaking the rules. They were not suppose to have any contact with each other whatsoever!

"Tomas, we've been through this a million times. You know we can't be together. We've already gone through this. We live in a different society. You are too young for me. We exist in two separate worlds. You have your whole life ahead of you and I'm not going to interfere with that. I've told you all this already."

Tomas took a swig of soda and washed down the remaining morsels of food. Licking the thin trace of acidic liquid from his lips, he sat the glass on the coffee table. Turning towards her, he rested his hand on her leg. "You missed me. I know you missed me. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me I'm wrong."

Toi closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. She didn't want to lie, but she didn't want to be truthful either. Diverting his gaze, she stared at the ceiling. 

Tomas leaned back, readjusting the soft cushion under his neck. "This is the first time, my thoughts have settled in days." He stared at the open flame dancing in the hearth. "I just came by here. So I could sleep. Is that ok?"

Henry :-) Laguna
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Toi turned towards him. Her heart ached because she knew Tomas; and she knew he was taking the break up hard. Resting one hand on his chest, she slipped her other arm underneath his neck. Tomas drew her closer; burying his face in her chest. He let out a frustrated sigh as if he had been holding his breath the entire time. 

Toi closed her eyes and gently stroked the side of his face. This was gonna be harder than she thought and him unexpectedly coming over, didn't make it any easier...


Saturday, January 17, 2015

The Old Headly House...

The room was dark and foreboding as if some old ancient evil were embedded in its fabric. Shanda turned her nose up. The room was musty. Although there were windows, it was obvious the Headly's never opened them. She didn't know if she was going to make it for one week alone in that house or not. Nevertheless, unlike the rest of the towns people in Graystone, she didn't believe in ghost, hanks, gnomes, fairies, angels; you name it. 

But in all her disbelief, there was still something strange about this particular room. It felt slightly damp; cold even. Maybe one of the windows were not properly sealed and the night air was seeping through it.

The good thing about it was; at least it was neat. She had house sat one weekend at the Hartfield's home and they didn't even bother to clean the place up. Cat hair everywhere, magazines out of place, the joint was just in shambles. "Never again" she thought to herself as an agitated line crept across her temples. 

Inquisitively, she gazed at the pictures on the wall. It was nothing special; as a matter of fact; it wasn't interesting at all. No black and white photos of distant relatives; or anything of significance that tied to the family. Most of the pictures were of symbols only. "Hmm...that's boring and strange" she thought.

With her hands resting snugly in her back pockets she inched her way around the room. Not looking in front of her, she stumbled into a stool. "Shoot!" she hissed as a dull ache permeated her toes."Why is this place so cluttered? And why are there so many chairs in this tiny corner?" She wanted to move them and space them out, but resisted the urge to come in someone else's home and start rearranging the place.

None of the chairs matched and at first they all looked odd and out of place. "With all the money these folks got, they could at least buy matching furniture." 

Tossing her hair over her shoulders, she turned and started to the door. Just then a frightening thought popped into her head. She glanced back at the circle of chairs again and then it hit her. Her belly twisted in knots as her breathing grew hitched. 

"They have seances in here! What the eff?"

Wouldn't want this in my house, but it would be awesome to stay in a hotel like this.
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Kiss Immortal

Amie rolled over on her side. The words of the vampire burned inside her head like hot coals. 'My suffering will end?'

'Is it really possible to live a life free of death? Can this thing be true. Can my strange visitor be real?'

Gently she rubbed her achy belly. It was bound and swaddled in a scarf  she had to wear on a continuum. She desperately desired to get back to her own life. To be the person she used to be; that is before the sickness came. 

How cruel her doctors had been. And she hated them all. She had been to two gastroenterologist, and none of them had mentioned that her current NSAID's were destroying the lining of her belly. 'Those cruel bastards!' She blurted out. Now her fist were balled and had she been able to sock all of them in the face she would have at that moment. 

'But now deliverance has come. And the dark man has promised me another life; an immortal existence. And I can finally be free of this thing.' She tugged at the scarf again. It was such a burden to wear. The only time she could take it off was when she was in the shower. And as soon as her bath was over; she had to immediately wrap her belly again. 

Yes, it was that painful!

brad pitt long hair | Brad Pitt: Hairstyles through Years:

Red Mist

And every time she spoke, red mist flew out of her mouth. It frightened her. She tried to cover her mouth with her hands but it was no use. Its slithering dust simply oozed between her fingers; drifting in the air like red smoke. Her heart started to race. Was this her punishment? Is this what she was condemned to? Was this the payment for her crime?

The universe had betrayed her. She didn't know that accepting "the dark gift" would do all this. But then again what did she expect? She had defied the laws of morality and spit into the face of integrity. She'd committed the ultimate crime. She'd killed someone and now this was her payment. 

At the time, the deal with the devil seemed to be her only option. She'd tried to be nice, sweet, kind and honest. But none of those things worked. As a matter of fact, everything got worse. She had waited patiently for the universe to right her wrongs, but it had failed her. Everything had failed. Everybody had failed her. So what was she expected to do? She did what she had to. She saved herself. 

There was no need to cry. No need to sob and beg others to help her. No, she had to be wise. She had to grow up. She had to save herself. So when the old man offered her the gift of 'darkness'. She accepted. And now this was her fate.

Lambis Stratoudakis - Sweden based art, portraiture and contemporary fashion photographer.

She came back to see him. Running and flying through the woods like a banshee ready to take flight. The red mist still floating out of her mouth. Her heart raced as sweat poured from her temples. 'How do I make it stop? I can't live the rest of my life like this. Is this my curse? Will I always be reminded of the deal I made?'

Swiftly rounding the corner at the edge of the forest, near the old oak tree with the crooked branches. She found the old man hunched over; with a dark cloth draped around his waist. One hand firmly gripped his staff, while the other held a tiny child. He was eating a baby; feasting off of it; with red blood oozing from his lips.

When Chelle saw him, vomit shot out of her mouth like a faucet. She fell to her knees before him with her face pinned to the ground. Heaving for oxygen, dust danced at her lips. Her eyes blared. Her limbs grew weak. She was a rag doll before him. "This thing you have done to me. Can it be reversed? It must be reversed!" 

She couldn't bare to look at him any longer. He was a beast and an animal feasting off the blood of a child...

10 best scary paintings according to the Observer's Laura Cumming (pict  Saturn Devouring His Son by Peter Paul Rubens)
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