Saturday, January 17, 2015

Kiss Immortal

Amie rolled over on her side. The words of the vampire burned inside her head like hot coals. 'My suffering will end?'

'Is it really possible to live a life free of death? Can this thing be true. Can my strange visitor be real?'

Gently she rubbed her achy belly. It was bound and swaddled in a scarf  she had to wear on a continuum. She desperately desired to get back to her own life. To be the person she used to be; that is before the sickness came. 

How cruel her doctors had been. And she hated them all. She had been to two gastroenterologist, and none of them had mentioned that her current NSAID's were destroying the lining of her belly. 'Those cruel bastards!' She blurted out. Now her fist were balled and had she been able to sock all of them in the face she would have at that moment. 

'But now deliverance has come. And the dark man has promised me another life; an immortal existence. And I can finally be free of this thing.' She tugged at the scarf again. It was such a burden to wear. The only time she could take it off was when she was in the shower. And as soon as her bath was over; she had to immediately wrap her belly again. 

Yes, it was that painful!

brad pitt long hair | Brad Pitt: Hairstyles through Years:

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