Saturday, January 17, 2015

Red Mist

And every time she spoke, red mist flew out of her mouth. It frightened her. She tried to cover her mouth with her hands but it was no use. Its slithering dust simply oozed between her fingers; drifting in the air like red smoke. Her heart started to race. Was this her punishment? Is this what she was condemned to? Was this the payment for her crime?

The universe had betrayed her. She didn't know that accepting "the dark gift" would do all this. But then again what did she expect? She had defied the laws of morality and spit into the face of integrity. She'd committed the ultimate crime. She'd killed someone and now this was her payment. 

At the time, the deal with the devil seemed to be her only option. She'd tried to be nice, sweet, kind and honest. But none of those things worked. As a matter of fact, everything got worse. She had waited patiently for the universe to right her wrongs, but it had failed her. Everything had failed. Everybody had failed her. So what was she expected to do? She did what she had to. She saved herself. 

There was no need to cry. No need to sob and beg others to help her. No, she had to be wise. She had to grow up. She had to save herself. So when the old man offered her the gift of 'darkness'. She accepted. And now this was her fate.

Lambis Stratoudakis - Sweden based art, portraiture and contemporary fashion photographer.

She came back to see him. Running and flying through the woods like a banshee ready to take flight. The red mist still floating out of her mouth. Her heart raced as sweat poured from her temples. 'How do I make it stop? I can't live the rest of my life like this. Is this my curse? Will I always be reminded of the deal I made?'

Swiftly rounding the corner at the edge of the forest, near the old oak tree with the crooked branches. She found the old man hunched over; with a dark cloth draped around his waist. One hand firmly gripped his staff, while the other held a tiny child. He was eating a baby; feasting off of it; with red blood oozing from his lips.

When Chelle saw him, vomit shot out of her mouth like a faucet. She fell to her knees before him with her face pinned to the ground. Heaving for oxygen, dust danced at her lips. Her eyes blared. Her limbs grew weak. She was a rag doll before him. "This thing you have done to me. Can it be reversed? It must be reversed!" 

She couldn't bare to look at him any longer. He was a beast and an animal feasting off the blood of a child...

10 best scary paintings according to the Observer's Laura Cumming (pict  Saturn Devouring His Son by Peter Paul Rubens)
photo courtesy pinterest

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