Tuesday, October 28, 2014


She lay there for a long time; perfectly still. "Is she dead? She's not moving!" Kathy's heart raced with adrenaline. Tiny sweat beads graced her forehead. Bianca didn't answer. Her eyes were still open with a tiny stream of blood running out of her nose. Had justice been served? Did she finally get what was coming to her? Did she finally get what she deserved? 

Lindsey said they were only taking her into the forest to scare her. But then something went terribly wrong. Tempers flew; emotions ran wild. Kathy stood motionless over her tormentor. The veins in her hands bulged with blood as she still gripped the broken tree branch. 

Bianca didn't look so big anymore. Now she was small; helpless even. Not moving; not breathing; just dead; with her hazel eyes starring blankly into eternity.

"May flights of devils bring you to your rest." whispered Lindsey as her eyes narrowed with a wicked twitch. She exhaled and closed her eyes and lifted her head towards the sky. All was well. All was peaceful. The kill was sweeter than she thought it would be...

photo courtesy of pinterest

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