Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dead Part 2...Mr Charlie Pumpernickel

When Bianca awoke she felt strange. Her mouth was dry. Her skin was cold. The hairs on the back of her neck lifted slightly. Fear and panic twisted her belly.

The last thing she remembered was a piercing pain in the back of her head. One of the girls had hit her but who? She grimaced and gently rubbed the back of her head. It didn't hurt so bad now. As a matter of fact, she really didn't feel anything right now; except uneasiness. But why?

Blinking slowly: her eyes strained to focus. Where was she? She was no longer in the woods. But lying on some cold slab of concrete. She pushed her self up with her hands glancing about the dimly lit room. Panic gripped her throat as a pair of lime green eyes peered at her through the darkness.

Bianca shrieked back in utter horror, falling on her backside as the green-eyed stranger moved closer. 

"Shhh" he commanded with one bandaged finger to his lips. "No need to be alarmed. Welcome to purgatory!"
Bianca's eyes widened with fright as her lips hung loosely. She was frozen with fear; like a deer in headlight. The man wreaked of a strange presence; a fearful one! She wanted to cry out but no sound would escape her voice. Her vocals had shut down; literally. She felt light headed but unable to faint. Dizzy, yet able to focus. 

She wanted to cover her face with her hands at the very sight of him; but she couldn't move her arms. Was some invisible entity holding her hands down? She couldn't tell. All she knew was now she couldn't move them at all. They felt like lead.

The mysterious man with hair as orange as a pumpkin starred deeply for a while. One of his bushy eyebrows was slightly raised as he ran his index finger across his lips. "You looked surprised to see me and I can't imagine why."

Bianca starred wildly with blared eyes. Who was this man? Where was she? Did he call that place purgatory? Was she in hell?

Now she was really frightened. She wanted to close her eyes, but her lids wouldn't shut. The sight of him was gut-wrenching. He was worse than any clown she'd seen. "Let me out! Please let me go!" her mind said but her mouth would not obey. It just hung there loosely, dangling. It failed her.

A sinister smile graced the mans hot pink lips. "Whenever people like you end up in a place like this. Your reaction to it all; always suprises me."

Alice In Wonderland - Mad Hatter

Bianca didn't say a word, yet listened attentively. She didn't know who he was or what he was talking about. All she wanted to do was go back to her old life. Go back home; where ever that was.

The man moved closer; extending his rag bandaged hands to her. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mr. Charlie Pumpernickel and I am all things you embody and are afraid of. I am your biggest transgression, I am your worse fear. I am your evil thoughts. I am your worst intentions. I am all you created me to be and more." He smiled an nodded stepping back slightly in some curtsie like fashion twirling his wrist in the air while slowly bowing his head.

"Please let me go!" Bianca whispered. The bass in her vocal cords still failed to obey her.

"I'm sorry." said the man. "I cannot do that. Judgement has been set. You must pay for your works!"...

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