Monday, October 13, 2014

Analysis Wuthering Heights; TV 1998 (Robert Cavanah and Orla Brady)

 Hello again boys and girls!!

I'm on a roll tonight!! But this time I wanted to write about a subject that has been on my mind, but I've put off writing about it. As you can see from the title, I'm reviewing the TV movie version of 'Wuthering Heights' starring Robert Cavanah and Orla Brady.

The first time I saw this film, I really liked it. The funny thing about these old literary classics is that, I never was interested in them when I was in school. If someone makes me read, I cannot enjoy it. I'm a free spirit. I have to discover things on my own in order for me to really appreciate it. Otherwise, it feels like some chore I must complete. 

Now, if you clicked on this link, I'm sure you're already a fan of this age old classic. So we don't need to discuss what the story is about. 

So what is my review about? I'm glad you asked!!

My review is more of an analysis of how the the director David Skynner put this production together. This is what I admired most about the film. It did not have any hot and heavy love scenes per se. But every moment of the film was intense. Really intense!

I mean guys, let's just face it, Heathcliff  was crazy! Half the time I didn't know if I should root for him or if I should hate him. I was totally confused. 

Nevertheless, I enjoyed the roller coaster ride. Half the time, I wanted to knock him out and at other times, I wanted to embrace him. (especially when he was a little boy) What I'm trying to say is I enjoyed the raw human emotion that rolled into absolute insanity!

And that my friends is what made this film so intense. It was that raw unabashed and unashamed love Heathcliff had for Cathy. 

Someone on face book said this one day. It was so profound. I copied it. Don't worry, I'll give credit where its due. Here it is...

This discussion is taken from Anne Rice's facebook page where everyone is discussing Lestat...

This is what Rui Rato one of her followers said about Lestat...

"Maybe, but if anything his age did confer great charm that most younger men lack, and Tom Cruise also had a touch of violence and wickedness which is so very manly and which made him a Lestat that I believe is worth admiring. Passion comes with a touch of violence, we are animals after all, and I'm truly glad of it, for what kind of weakling, submissive emotion would passion be without a touch of crazed desire? To possess, to own, to consume. Passion is like a hunger, and I fail to appreciate the presence of any man or woman who is devoid such basic human savagery, I love it."

The first time I read this, I was blown away. This is exactly what I try to tap into every time I write. Raw, crazed, borderline insane desire that makes the heart beat and the pulse race. Now that my friends, is real passion. And this is what you'll get the opportunity to experience in this TV version of 'Wuthering Heights'

It was sad, dark and enchanting with the same crazed desire Rui Rato describes. I thought his quote described Heathcliff and Cathy perfectly. They were both insane; yet joyful to watch.

The pic below is young Catherine and Hareton...
I absolutely love this screen shot of their prelude to the kiss!!

PS.. the movie soundtrack is amazing!!!!!

Later Gators!

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