Sunday, November 16, 2014

The Perfect Date...

Nervously, Chelsea rubbed her palms against her pants. She started to slip on her gloves, but Kent already had the heat on in the car. She didn't want him to think she was cold. Really she wasn't; just extremely excited. 

She closed her eyes and exhaled. 

The moon was full tonight. It sat high above their heads like a round pearl. Beautiful it was; magical it was. 

Illuminating against the heavens like a diamond. She smiled to herself. She was truly happy. For the first time in a long time; she felt total peace; tranquility; and an uncanny sense of calm.

Why? Was Kent the one she'd finally been waiting for her whole life? She didn't know for sure. Hopefully he was! Her heart certainly wanted him to be. But for now; just for this moment; she'd settle for the idea only. As a matter of fact if he wasn't she'd record the nights images in her head and live on them the rest of her life. 

Her whole life, she always felt undesired; unwanted and unloved. And now; at least for tonight; all that had changed. She laid her head against the head rest; admiring the indigo glow of the city. For a moment; she wished it was snow. 'Now that would be really nice!'

The intoxicating scent of Kent's cologne danced in the air. He was silent in the car; but not an awkward silence; a content one. The kind of silence you feel when you're with the person you're suppose to be with. The kind of contentment you feel when you're with someone you're not trying to impress because they know you already. 

Yes! She was happy; totally happy. So happy that she didn't want the night to ever end. No longer was she the girl who sat in the background watching others being loved and adored; but now; it was her turn. It was her turn to experience the magic of love that others felt. 

Kent reached over and rested his hand on her thigh. Wrapping his warm palms against hers, he raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. 

Chelsea looked up. He never looked at her; yet stared intently ahead; eyes fixated on the road. She smiled as warm heat surged over her body. Yes; this was it! He was definitely a keeper...

photo courtesy pinterest

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