Sunday, November 16, 2014

Runaway Bride...

She ran; all the way to the top of the hill. She loved Barren Road. No one ever came up there. It was always peaceful; quiet; silent. 

Collapsing in the meadows; she buried her face in the palms of her hands. Jake wasn't listening. He never listened. Sometimes people only see what they want to see; hear what they want to hear. 

Didn't he hear her when she said she didn't want to marry him? As nice as he was; she wasn't the one. She was never the one; although he wanted her to be. Lying flat on her back she stretched her arms along her side. A storm was coming. The sky was growing dark. Only one lone cloud floated listlessly above her head. 

Maybe if she stayed there long enough, the rain would come. If it did; she didn't care. Let it rain on her head; let lightening strike. She was tired of running. She was tired of being afraid. Perhaps the universe would be kind and finally deliver her from all her misery.

She closed her eyes; trying to calm her thoughts. 

All was quiet. No birds sang; no dogs barked. Save the subtle whistle of the wind that occasionally whisked by her ears. If she concentrated long enough; hard enough; would the wind tell her what to do? 

She longed to clear her head. Was she throwing her life away? Most ladies would jump at the chance to marry one of the most eligible bachelors in the county; but she wasn't and why? He was nice; attentive; loving; kind. So what was her problem? Why wasn't she in love with him? Why did the thought of marrying him frighten her so? 

A drop of water fell across her temples. She grimaced and looked at the sky. The rain was coming...

green--Beograd, RS
photo courtesy pinterest

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