Saturday, November 15, 2014

The Escape...

She ran; as fast as her legs would take her. She ran for her life! Her calf were burning. The chilly air, creeping down her throat made her throat swell; but she ran all the more. Never looking back. Never pausing for a second. It was now or never. 

The universe had been kind to her. For a second some angel from heaven had granted her pardon; and she accepted. The door was left ajar and she was shocked!

With dark storm clouds forming over her head. A blue bolt of lightening shot down from the heavens. Her heart leaped in her chest. It's thunderous roar resounded all the louder; but she didn't care. She didn't care if lightening it self struck her. She would never hesitate for a second. She'd never return to the place from whence she'd came.

She'd never let anyone fool her again; trap her again. And if someone did try to get her; she'd fight to the bitter end. Death would be sweeter than the eternal confinement from whence she'd escaped...

Arthur’s Steps in Edinburgh, Scotland

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